Lauren Borofsky

Lauren Borofsky

| President | Web Designer | Compost Pilot leader |

How long have you been in Milton? 2010

How long have you been involved in SM? 2020

What is your Role? President, Website Development/Design

What are your passions within sustainability? Phasing out Single Use Plastics, Roadside trash reduction, education about sustainable choices for kids, composting, saving natural habitats and wildlife.

Hobbies: Surfing, Skiing, Gardening, , trail running, and Hot yoga. I am also earning to play piano.

Which Climate Actions have you completed? Plant based diet, Composting, LED bulbs, Volunteering for SM, insulating to the max, and I just got a new EV!!!

Which would you like to do next? Solar rooftop.

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Green Up Milton

I needed to do more. I needed to do more than just take my reusable grocery bags to the store, refill my water bottle or coffee mug, more than replace lightbulbs and upgrade our insulation or make the switch to more energy efficient appliances.

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